

Daniel Rothwell LoReLi 2023-08-27

Tens upon tens of people have asked, 

"What does LoReLi actually mean?"

It's an instruction* - look, read, listen. 

Whether or not you choose to is up to you, but hey-ho, now you know. Moving swiftly on...

It's been a while since a jerry/jury-rigged practice-room recording session has been posted here; the last was probably…

…and to recycle a gif from a few years ago… 

…you can get a rough idea of just how roughly recorded these things are, but fear not! Thanks to the advancement in EQ presets, compression, and owning a pair of headphones, we can make it work!

Thanks to some trusty zoom-mics… 

…two jack-cables…

…another microphone and a trio of lovely lads, you can sit back, relax*, and LoReListen to…


🎵 James Blonde 🎵

"An introduction to Subdude...

...and how instrumentation shapes the song"

🎵 The Truth Is Out There 🎵 

"Seeking The Truth: Tru-ition"

🎶 Logic of The Grave (snippet) 🎶

"The musical origins of Pete"

*a brief interlude in which we move outside, and the interview gets a little noisy at points - sorry about that*

🎵 Cooking With Gas 🎵

"When Luke "hit that", the guys said, "Hold that!" and Diego showed his Latin roots"

🎵 Logic of The Grave (again) 🎵

"How to transform a nugget of bass into a solid jam"

🎵 Waxing In Retrograde 🎵

"What is genre anyway? Beauty is in the ear of the beholder"

"The Battle of Prokofiev vs Grieg"


"The Battle of Vibe vs Genre"

🎵 Sine Q-Anon 🎵

"Vibing in the Key of... Space..."

🎵 Something Heavy This Way Comes 🎵

"The Subdude Sound"

"The Ambient Background Sound of The Wind" is taking over, sorry Diego :(

🎵 Space Scientists 🎵

#blessings #livelaughlove #bffl

le fin.


*Enough of the instructions already! You don't have to sit down to listen to this. Personally, I tend to listen to things when I'm cooking or in transit, which is rarely seated or relaxing.*


For more information regarding who's doing what, where, and when with WHAT THE FOLKSTIVAL, tap on through to the other side!

